Amazon accepts BTC payments by April 30, 2015
Amazon executives have denied earlier this year that they have any plans for Bitcoin. Things have changed since then with some of Amazon's large competitors in retail (e.g. Newegg) and payments (e.g. PayPal) starting to use Bitcoin. Will Amazon get on the bandwagon by end of April?

Decision Logic
This bet will resolve to Yes if Amazon's USA-based customers are able to choose Bitcoin as a payment method on for a shipped (e.g. a toaster) or a digitally delivered (e.g. a song or an e-book) order on or before April 30, 2015. Indirect payment options, such as Gyft or SnapCard are not considered. This bet can resolve early if Amazon starts accepting Bitcoin before the outcome date.
4:35AM, Oct 11, 2014 UTC
8:00PM, Jan 2, 2015 UTC
3:00PM, May 1, 2015 UTC
RESOLVED AT 5:50AM, May 7, 2015 UTC
Total Volume: 0.2450
This bet has been resolved!
The outcome was "No"
0.245 was split between 4 bettors.
Volume: | 0.0200 |
# of Bets: | 2 |
Volume: | 0.2250 |
# of Bets: | 4 |
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