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Could Kevin Spacey be charged?

Could Kevin Spacey be charged?


Could Kevin Spacey be charged over Anthony Rapp’s sexual assault allegations?

On October 29, Hollywood legend Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual assault in an incident that allegedly took place 31 years ago.

Rapp claims he was the youngest at the party and remembers moving to a bedroom to watch TV alone when a ‘drunk’ Spacey walked in.

law has changed in California from 1986, with Spacey not being able to be prosecuted under the current law.

He says he was picked up and carried into a bedroom at the party, before Space then climbed on top of him on a bed and tried to seduce him.

‘He was trying to seduce me. I don’t know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.’

Decision Logic

‘On the basis of these facts, Spacey would be guilty of violating the current version California Penal Code section 288(c), Lascivious Acts with a Child of Age 14 or 15.

‘Normally the crime carries a sentence of up to one year in county jail, but because Spacey was more than 10 years older than the victim, he could get up to three years in state prison.’ However, as this law was not in force when these alleged events occurred, Spacey cannot be charged under the current law.

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