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How many Electoral Votes will Trump get

How many Electoral Votes will Trump get


How big will be Trump's victory? How many electoral votes he will get?

Decision Logic

Final results with major media announcements of the winner. Without a consensus, such as with the 2000 recount that involved the U.S. Supreme Court, the outcome may be delayed until certain.
Outcome set for Nov 6 to give some time for all votes to be accounted for, no resolution happens until all states have a clear winner.
Early resolution can happen if all states are accounted for before Nov 6.
Bet is refunded if Trump does not win.

2:06AM, Aug 24, 2020 UTC

3:00AM, Oct 1, 2020 UTC

8:00PM, Nov 6, 2020 UTC


This bet has been cancelled!

Reason: Trump did not win.

Trump wins with 270 to 290
# of Bets:0
Trump wins with 291 to 325
# of Bets:0
Trump wins with 326 to 500
# of Bets:0
Trump wins with 501 to 525
# of Bets:0
Trump wins with 526 or more
# of Bets:0


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Guedez 10:35PM, Jan 7, 2021 UTC
Although I do not believe an unlikely Trump win will be through the EC. I will be holding onto until Jan 20 since some states are moving in to do something about the electors.
freedom 1:33AM, Nov 8, 2020 UTC
No issue with Jan 11 myself we need to wait for the rough final count Pennsylvania recount margin is .6 percent not .5 so that one is up to question Wisconsin .7% not .5 Georgia recount and Arizona seem to be within the .5 margin now so it really depends if they let the margins go a bit
Guedez 1:40PM, Nov 5, 2020 UTC
Yes, worst part. When do we call that he 'recounted enough states'? I'd like to ask the admins to extend the outcome to 11 jan or something. I was expecting shenanigans, but not nearly as much as what we got. I am accepting suggestions to what date to move the outcome if it's possible.
freedom 12:00AM, Nov 5, 2020 UTC
This is going to be a mess
Guedez 1:47PM, Sep 29, 2020 UTC
Probably will end up having orange and purple split if both of them end up being true in the end. Hopefully it will end up in the other options and no issues will come out of this mistake.
Guedez 1:45PM, Sep 29, 2020 UTC
Off, I just saw I messed up with the middle option. It should be 326 to 500 rather than 291 to 500. I've contact the admins to figure out what to do with it. I fear It's too late to just edit it.

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