Price of Monero (XMR) above 0.08 BTC before Dec 2016?
The price of Monero has risen by 500% in 2 weeks. Can this meteoric rise continue, or will the bubble burst?
This bet resolves yes if at any point the price of Monero (XMR) goes above 0.08 BTC before December 1st, 2016.
The bet will resolve early if the price passes 0.08 BTC before then.

Decision Logic
This bet resolves to yes if the price of Monero (XMR) goes above 0.08 BTC on Poloniex ( ) before 2016-12-01 00:00 UTC.
If Poloniex is unavailable, the bet will be resolved by whichever market has the highest XMR/BTC volume according to
Any bets placed after XMR has surpassed 0.08 BTC will be canceled.
10:42PM, Sep 3, 2016 UTC
9:00AM, Nov 30, 2016 UTC
3:00AM, Dec 1, 2016 UTC
RESOLVED AT 3:16AM, Dec 1, 2016 UTC
Total Volume: 0.2500
This bet has been resolved!
The outcome was "No"
0.25 was split between 9 bettors.
Volume: | 0.0200 |
# of Bets: | 2 |
Volume: | 0.2300 |
# of Bets: | 9 |
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*For use with standalone wallets (bitcoin-qt, electrum).
Shared wallets (exchanges, multifactor) will not work!
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* Minimum bet is 0.0001 BTC
Your bet will be automatically entered when picked up - no confirmations needed!