Satoshi Coins Move in 2017
The undoing of bitcoin? The second block of BTC was mined on Jan 9 2009, by the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto. The block is currently worth over $100,000. If any amount is sent from these bitcoin addresses to another, according to, the bet resolves as true.
Movement must persist after 20 confirmations. Any bets 48 hours before the move will be refunded.

Decision Logic
Satoshi is stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, his coins are worth millions. On the other hand, if he moves one, the price of bitcoin tumbles. On the third hand, maybe he's the NSA.
Simple bet here: if the "Yes" bets win, our coins will quickly be worthless.
9:46AM, Jun 3, 2017 UTC
7:00AM, Nov 1, 2017 UTC
8:00AM, Jan 1, 2018 UTC
RESOLVED AT 7:13AM, Jan 3, 2018 UTC
Total Volume: 0.0410
This bet has been resolved!
The outcome was "No"
0.041 was split between 6 bettors.
Volume: | 0.0050 |
# of Bets: | 1 |
Volume: | 0.0360 |
# of Bets: | 6 |
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*For use with standalone wallets (bitcoin-qt, electrum).
Shared wallets (exchanges, multifactor) will not work!
Send your bet to this address:
* Minimum bet is 0.0001 BTC
Your bet will be automatically entered when picked up - no confirmations needed!