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Susan Rice Gon' Testify

Susan Rice Gon' Testify


Susan Rice has been the Democrat's whipping girl since 1996, when she turned down an offer from Sudan that would have put Osama Bin Laden in US custody.

Now, she's in Republican crosshairs again... for possibly leaking classified Trump campaign surveillance information.

Will Susan Rice testify before Congress by May 31st, 2017?

Decision Logic

This bet will resolve as true if any of the following conditions are met on or before May 31st, 2017:

  1. A subpoena is issued for Susan Rice to appear and testify before the US House of Representatives or US Senate.

  2. Susan Rice voluntarily appears before the US House or Senate to testify.

This bet will STILL resolve as true if:

  1. Susan Rice refuses the subpoena.
  2. Susan Rice invokes her 5th amendment right and refuses to testify.
CLOSING IN2017-05-30 07:00:00

11:37PM, Apr 6, 2017 UTC

7:00AM, May 30, 2017 UTC

6:55AM, Jun 1, 2017 UTC

RESOLVED AT 7:26AM, Jun 1, 2017 UTC

Total Volume: 0.1511

This bet has been resolved!

The outcome was "No"

0.15107177 was split between 9 bettors.
# of Bets:1
# of Bets:9


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RonMexico 7:25AM, Jun 1, 2017 UTC
Looks like the subpoenas were for Susan Rice's unmasking requests, not for her testimony. Bet resolves as no. Roller coaster of a day, boys.
RonMexico 11:54PM, May 31, 2017 UTC
Actually, now I'm not entirely sure if the bet conditions have been met. The subpoenas issued today are not publicly available, just reported. Can we extend the resolution window until the real targets of today's subpoena's are announced? Otherwise, I have no idea how this bet should resolve...
RonMexico 10:58PM, May 31, 2017 UTC Holy **** guys, that was a close one. Reported for early resolution.

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