The 45th or 46th U.S. President in 2020
The 2020 U.S. Presidential race closes on election day Tuesday NOV3, 2020. The elected president becomes the 46th U.S. President if Trump does not win. State voters will select presidential electors who in turn elect a president and vice president through the electoral college.
This proposition mimics the 2016 one by sandhog, which opened before major parties nominated final candiates, and closed shortly before election day.

Decision Logic
Final results with major media announcements of the winner. Without a consensus, such as with the 2000 recount that involved the U.S. Supreme Court, the outcome may be delayed until certain.
3:34PM, Feb 12, 2020 UTC
4:55AM, Nov 3, 2020 UTC
3:00AM, Nov 4, 2020 UTC
RESOLVED AT 4:56PM, Nov 7, 2020 UTC
Total Volume: 66.97
This bet has been resolved!
The outcome was "OTHER"
66.96795825 was split between 139 bettors.
Volume: | 37.73 |
# of Bets: | 93 |
Volume: | 0.1464 |
# of Bets: | 15 |
Volume: | 0.0209 |
# of Bets: | 7 |
Volume: | 0.0165 |
# of Bets: | 6 |
Volume: | 29.05 |
# of Bets: | 139 |
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