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Who will win the WWE title at the WWE PPV BATTLEGROUND

Who will win the WWE title at the WWE PPV BATTLEGROUND


Who will win the title at the WWE PPV BATTLEGROUND? Not who will win the match, but who will hold the title at the end of the match. Choices are John Cena, Randy Orton, Kane or Roman Reigns. Match must be for the WWE Heavyweight Title and Must include these four superstars. Any addition to or subtraction from the match competitors will end this bet as null.

Decision Logic

In any count-out situation or in a DQ, since John Cena keeps the title in that scenario, John Cena would be the correct pick. If the Money in the Bank is cashed in after the match, that would have nothing to do with this bet as the winner would be decided already. Also, if the MIB is cashed in prior, this match is only valid if it is for the title with said 4 competitors.

CLOSING IN2014-07-20 19:00:00

10:43PM, Jul 16, 2014 UTC

7:00PM, Jul 20, 2014 UTC

5:00PM, Jul 21, 2014 UTC

RESOLVED AT 7:24PM, Jul 21, 2014 UTC

Total Volume: 0.0150

This bet has been resolved!

The outcome was "John Cena retains the title"

0.015 was split between 1 bettors.
John Cena retains the title
# of Bets:1
Roman Reigns Wins the Title
# of Bets:0
Kane Wins the Title
# of Bets:1
Randy Orton Wins the Title
# of Bets:1


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