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Will Mexico Pay For The Wall?

Will Mexico Pay For The Wall?


Assuming the wall is built, will Mexico pay for it?

Decision Logic

The bet resolves as one of the options below provided the wall starts construction within the deadline. The bet resolves as the option "The wall is not built" if no decision can be reached by the deadline of this bet.

Mexico pays entirely means that they pay via any means (directly, tariffs, etc) the entire cost.

Mexico pays partially means they do pay via any means (directly, tariffs, etc) some of the cost.

This bet cancels if Trump is not the president.

CLOSING IN2017-11-08 05:00:00

5:45AM, Nov 9, 2016 UTC

5:00AM, Nov 8, 2017 UTC

6:00AM, Nov 8, 2017 UTC

RESOLVED AT 7:53PM, Nov 8, 2017 UTC

Total Volume: 3.834

This bet has been resolved!

The outcome was "The Wall is Not Built."

3.83373151 was split between 52 bettors.
Mexico Pays Entirely.
# of Bets:10
Mexico Pays Partially.
# of Bets:9
Mexico Pays Nothing.
# of Bets:14
The Wall is Not Built.
# of Bets:52


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zerocool 2:11AM, Oct 12, 2017 UTC
The prototypes currently being made today do NOT count as starting construction, correct?
Guedez 12:59AM, Oct 5, 2017 UTC
If the first brick/slab/whatever of the wall is laid on November 7, and trump declares (on November 7), that starting on November 9, mexico will reimburse the united states for the wall through tariffs. How would this resolve?
Alaric 12:52PM, Jun 22, 2017 UTC
@RevelationX Yes that is the intention, it has to actually begin construction efforts.
RevelationX 6:05PM, Jun 6, 2017 UTC
I understand "...the wall starts construction..." as actual breaking ground of new 'wall' project. NOT signed contracts, nor bids on contracts, nor surveying of land, nor backhoes moved to construction location. Agreed?
Eirik 9:12AM, May 25, 2017 UTC
Me: just going to place a small bet on this Bitcoin: explodes Me: Really hopes this goes through now!
pelican95 2:15AM, May 13, 2017 UTC
@Luffy, sure bud.
Luffy 11:51PM, May 12, 2017 UTC
Construction has started, can someone resolve this bet please.
pelican95 12:28PM, May 11, 2017 UTC
'After construction begins' lol
Guedez 12:14PM, May 11, 2017 UTC
After the construction begins, how long does it take for the 'mexico nopay, mexico partial pay, mexico full pay' takes to resolve? Because trump wants to make mexico pay with reimbursements, meaning that US is 'lending' money for mexico to pay for it
pelican95 2:24PM, Mar 31, 2017 UTC
The Senate is voting or whether or not to confirm Neil Gorsuch to SCOTUS next week. Bet here:
sirlanka 7:11AM, Feb 3, 2017 UTC
@Mirh Only one option can win. If more than one could win, no one would bet on "The wall is not built" and "Mexico pays entirely"
Mirh 3:30AM, Feb 3, 2017 UTC
And if the wall is not built, does Mexico Does Not Pay resolve yes?
Mirh 3:29AM, Feb 3, 2017 UTC
Can more than one section win? If mexico pays for the entire wall, does Mexcico Pays Partially resolve yes?
freedom 8:26PM, Jan 26, 2017 UTC
Clarification if the US takes away Mexican Aid Payments to build the wall is it the US or Mexico that really is paying for it?
Luffy 11:26PM, Jan 25, 2017 UTC he made the order, USA is paying for it.
Deleted12 9:02AM, Jan 12, 2017 UTC
Mexico will pay for the wall by reimbursements, according to Trump from his first press conference :
Luffy 12:59AM, Nov 15, 2016 UTC
i imagine if they pay nothing at the start it goes to purple? when is this bet called? when the plans are given out? another question if there is no plans yet for mexico to pay for it what does that fall under?
ForexSpider 11:59PM, Nov 10, 2016 UTC
you can also bet on the distance of the wall here:
BetMoose 4:26AM, Nov 10, 2016 UTC
The bet logic has been updated to be more clear.
freedom 1:05AM, Nov 10, 2016 UTC
If they put in Cameras that Mexico pays the criteria may be tricky
Alaric 8:31PM, Nov 9, 2016 UTC
Very good questions I've put in a ticket to edit the bet.
zeiger 5:11PM, Nov 9, 2016 UTC
Yeah, Mexico is obviously not going to cut a check for the wall. But there's a million ways to make them pay for it. For example, there's like 40 billion dollars in remittances going to mexico from immigrants in the US. Making that illegal would qualify as Mexico paying towards the wall. Tarriffs, immigration reform, etc could be used to penalize mexico without requiring their consent. Thus, you need to be more clear about these things in the bet description.
bill_b 2:00PM, Nov 9, 2016 UTC
How would increased tariffs on Mexico, even if not directly going to the budget of the wall, be considered?

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