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Will Scotland schedule a referendum to leave UK?

Will Scotland schedule a referendum to leave UK?


Although the U.K. public voted in 2016 to Leave the European Union, the people in Scotland had overwhelmingly voted to Remain in the E.U.
Many want Scotland to hold an independence referendum, leave the U.K., and apply to join the E.U.
Update March 29: Scotland’s Parliament has voted 69:59 in favor of leaving the U.K. No specific referendum has been scheduled yet.

Decision Logic

Bet resolves to "Yes" as soon as a referendum is officially scheduled in Scotland, for a specific date, to let the public choose to leave the U.K . or to remain in the U.K, as reported by at least two out of three of:,,

It doesn't matter if the scheduled referendum is eventually canceled or rescheduled.

"Yes" Bets placed later than two weeks before a "Yes" resolution will be refunded. "No" bets will remain in place.

CLOSING IN2017-07-02 23:59:00

1:07AM, Jul 17, 2016 UTC

11:59PM, Jul 2, 2017 UTC

11:59PM, Jul 16, 2017 UTC

RESOLVED AT 12:41AM, Jul 17, 2017 UTC

Total Volume: 12.37

This bet has been resolved!

The outcome was "No"

12.37490623 was split between 23 bettors.
# of Bets:9
# of Bets:23


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Avalon 7:20AM, Jul 4, 2017 UTC
Not sure why that last anon wagered the way they did, but it's legitimate. Possible that they were simply trying to cancel out a previous yes wager.
Asnoman 6:16PM, Jul 3, 2017 UTC
This anon cracks me up. Thanks for the lols
kolotoure77294 8:26AM, Jul 3, 2017 UTC
excuse my language :D
kolotoure77294 8:26AM, Jul 3, 2017 UTC
Are you ****ing kidding me? What in the actual **** is that? @Avalon Why does this last minute bettor not have to pay any commission when everyone else who bet 1 year ago loses 60% of their profits to commission just because he comes in with a 11.5 BTC bet to win nothing?
higgsboson 11:32PM, Mar 20, 2017 UTC
The question is whether "a referendum is officially scheduled in Scotland, for a specific date". As a first approximation, I think in your scenario it would be YES. However if that scenario occurs I think we would have to examine it in detail, as I'm sure many legal arguments would be made pro and con at that time.
kolotoure77294 5:51PM, Mar 16, 2017 UTC
@higgsboson What if the Scottish Parliament votes for another referendum, asks Westminster (UK government) to give them the power to hold the independence referendum but Theresa May says NO... And then they schedule a referendum regardless without UK government permission or legal backing under UK Law.... What then? Is that a YES or a NO resolution.

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