Will Trump be POTUS on February-01-2021 at 12pm ET?
Will Trump officially be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES on February First, 2021 at 12 pm eastern time, or not? Here, the idea is that picking an explicit resolution based on the fixed date of February first, 2021 at 12 pm ET ought to 1) give enough time for both campaigns to "play all of their cards", 2) simultaneously remove any possible ambiguity from the betting decision.
EDIT: (10-01-2021) : Please note, for clarity, that in the case where Trump declares the election null and void, or levies treason charges against congress and/or Biden, via either military-tribunals and/or insurrection act, then this bet considers Trump to be "de facto" president and will settle as yes, on said date.

Decision Logic
Due to the complexity of this election and to ongoing legal actions by the Trump team and possible retort by the Biden team, this bet will resolve at EXACTLY February first, 2021 at 12 pm eastern time. The bet is won if and only if Trump is officially the president of the United States on February first, 2021 at 12 pm eastern time, and is lost if he is not.
In the unlikely event that the Trump and/or the Biden teams are still battling it out in courts on February first, 2021, or in some other theater, such that the winner is still not clear, the bet will STILL resolve on exactly that date based on who is president at that date and time.
8:50PM, Dec 28, 2020 UTC
4:30PM, Feb 1, 2021 UTC
5:00PM, Feb 2, 2021 UTC
RESOLVED AT 5:02PM, Feb 2, 2021 UTC
Offered Volume: 0.0063
Backed Volume: 0.0631
This bet has been resolved!
The outcome was "No"
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