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Will Trump testify in a public setting in 2018?

Will Trump testify in a public setting in 2018?


Bet on if Trump will give testimony in a court of law, in front of congress, or a deposition that becomes available for public viewing. The court or congress setting must be viewable on TV/online streaming. The testimony can be about anything including the Russia investigation or his sexual misconduct allegations as there's a lawsuit filed by one of his accusers, Summer Zervos.

Decision Logic

Will be confirmed by news outlets. Testimony (court, congress, or a deposition) must be public or made available to the public thereafter for this to resolve as YES. If Trump gets a subpoena, but does not respond or honor it and therefore refusing to testify would not be enough for this to resolve as YES. If Trump does not testify before midnight on 12/31/2018, this will resolve as NO. This will resolve early if happens.

CLOSING IN2018-12-01 18:00:00

4:38AM, Jan 4, 2018 UTC

6:00PM, Dec 1, 2018 UTC

6:00PM, Jan 1, 2019 UTC

RESOLVED AT 9:38PM, Jan 1, 2019 UTC

Total Volume: 0.0006

This bet has been resolved!

The outcome was "No"

0.0006 was split between 2 bettors.
# of Bets:1
# of Bets:2


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